This is the best place for me to really talk about who I am and Swap Couture.
I am a wife, mother, believer in Christ, and a business woman. My business is Swap Couture and though it comes after all of who I am, it is very very important to me. I founded Swap Couture because of my love for designer handbags. It is as simple as that, but Swap Couture has allowed me to connect with women and have great conversations daily. The business part of that, however is that women who love designer handbags like I do, can partner with me and elevate their bags by swapping bags with women all around the country! I love that!
I have found that many women don't want to let go of their bags, or they feel they will get something less than what they have. Swap Couture will elevate you! You will be bagging up! Now if you only have one bag, then you are probably wont let it go. If you are a bag lover like me, however, you have tons that you do not even carry, so you are more willing to let it go. You don't carry it anyway, so why not swap it for one that you want to carry.
Swap Couture is ever changing! I am making adjustments to fit the needs of my members. I am able to set the rules, and I am listening to you. I hope you visit this blog to stay abreast on me my business.
Have a fabulous day and walk with integrity!
I have so much to discuss this morning!
First, Swap Couture now has 4 memberships, with the lowest at $49.99! I made these changes based on feedback from you. The Basic Membership of $49.99 is for bags less than $200. This may be a starter bag or a daughter's starter bag. The other memberships are as follows: Premium Membership $99.99 (bags $200-$499), Elite Membership (bags $500-$999), Exclusive Membership (bags $1000 and over). I am so excited about the new memberships.
Second, I have been featuring members to show you how they have elevated their styles and have "Bagged Up" so to speak. You do not lose out at Swap Couture, but gain a better bag or "Bag Up." I posted a picture of Nancy Medina on Facebook yesterday with her amazing Brahmin bag with matching wallet. She gave Swap Couture a cream Michael Kors. I posted a pic of her here. Check her out. She "Bagged Up!" If you want to see Nancy's beautiful face, check it out on my facebook page, I will continue to post pics of satisfied members from all over the country! I encourage you ladies who are not a part of Swap Couture to join us!
Last, I saw a piece on GMA this morning. Tory Johnson featured bags for under $20, but before you get excited, they were not designer bags. They were bags made for convenience more less. The most expensive was $60 regularly priced. Before you buy your next designer bag, look at the bags on this website. It will save you money and you will have a great bag!
I think I'm done. Do something nice for someone today! Have an amazing day!
It's a new week and we are expecting many new members. We are getting a new bag this week and another one next week. We are getting some new pics to post with the new bags and I am so excited.
Please feel free to ask us any questions that you may have concerning your designer bag or the latest designer bag, and we will do our very best to answer it.
In regards to fake bags, there are several companies who advertise and sell fake bags. I think this is horrible and bold, but all the same, true. Be careful.
I was so blessed doing my devotion today, I must share Daniel 3:16-18 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. 17 If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king.[a] 18 But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.”
I have been getting lots of questions regarding real vs replica. I have found that the whole replica bag industry is huge. It seems that with every popular designer bag, there is a fake counterpart. There are even people out there who have fake bag parties, and yes, people buy those fake bags. The question is, how do you tell.
It seems that you can look up all sorts of factors that will let you know, but the best way is to become extremely familiar with the real. For instance, Louis Vuitton has several different styles and what may be true for one is not true for the other. Also, depending on the year the bag was made, it may have been made a certain way for that particular year. The point is, real bags change so much, due to counterfeiting, that chances are, you may have a real bag that has a different lining from another real bag or it may have been made someplace else than its real counterpart. The best way, however is to look at the quality of the bag.
Shiny gold, loud smelling fake leather, or poor stitching are all signs of a replica. If you look at a bag and every stitch is in place including the stitching around the interior tag, as opposed to glue on the interior tag, its real. With replicas, there is no attention to detail. There may be no stitching within hidden compartments or smaller handles. If your bag has a really loud smell, like a leather smell, but it is overbearing, it is a replica. Shiny gold that tarnishes is also a sign.
When buying online and companies are advertising real designer bags for less, most of the time, unless they are used, they are replicas. If you go on official sites, they will let you know, that they do not discount and they can only be purchased from authorized dealers like department stores or the actual designer store. For instance, you cannot buy a Louis Vuitton bag new for less than $200 online, and if you go on the Louis Vuitton site, it will state their authorized dealers.
At Swap Couture, we use people who work for the actual designer, the internet, and we go into the stores ourselves and compare. This is done with every bag to insure that the bags that are sent in by you, are real!
Scripture for the day: Romans 6:15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!
I am so excited about our latest addition, the red Tory Burch. It is brand new inside and out and comes with a dust bag. Please continue to view the site because bags come and go!
I am also excited about Swap Couture's wonderful members leaving comments on the blog and on Facebook. It is great for members to spread the word about how satisfied they are about our exclusive community. I speak to women daily and we are amazing people. I spoke with an old friend yesterday and she so encouraged me. She does not know it, but she was a true blessing. Thanks Jewel!
Remember, Swap Couture is a resource for you for any questions about designer bags. More importantly, we are a place for you to get a designer bag that is "new to you" for a lot less than retail, so continue to check us out.
Scripture for the day Proverbs 20:7 A righteous man who walks in his integrity- How blessed are his sons after him.
Swap Couture is adding one of my bags to the Couture Collection. It is a red Tory Burch bag that retails for $500. It will be part of our Classic Collection. Stay tuned.
We have a comment on our blog from one of our members! Maria received her bag and left a response. She is a happy member and I love that. Check in out on Monday's comments.
Today I would like to discuss the care of those wonderful bags. There are places you can take your bag to like the cleaners or The Shoe Hospital. From what I was told by the Shoe Hospital, they do not clean the inside of your bag. They do minor repairs and clean the outside, but they stopped cleaning the inside because it caused mold to set in. I have found another place, however, who cleans the inside. Bag Borrow or Steal cleans the inside of your bags. I do not know the cost, but if you want the lining cleaned, they will do it. Unfortunately, ink stains, according to the Shoe Hospital, cannot be removed from leather.
Just some care tips for those wonderful bags. Have a wonderful day!
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Over the weekend I communicated with several women regarding Swap Couture. It is such a pleasure and a blessing to do what I do. I love interacting with other women, especially those who love to talk about bags and how they love them. With all of life's issues, it is good to be able to think and talk about fashion.
As Swap Couture grows our network of women will only grow larger! I am excited and cannot wait. We are getting more women in this exclusive community and we are getting more bags, which will continue to get us more women! Its a great cycle and I am very thankful.
Have a wonderful and blessed day! 🙂
Scripture of the day
O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
I am so excited about all the great things going on at Swap Couture!
We are growing and changing daily. Please visit the website daily to read the blog for the latest news and see the new bags.
Since we started at the end of March, we have been featured in 2 magazines, Texans Model Magazine and Woman's InSite. You can see both on our Facebook page. Swap Couture has also been featured in a commercial on news radio 92 FM! How exciting is that! I am very grateful.
We now have almost 30 members from all over the country including, Chicago, Atlanta, Princeton, and New York city. It's so good to connect with these women and not only discuss bags, but discuss other important life events. As I told a young lady yesterday, if I can help you get a great bag for less than retail and connect with you as a woman, I think it is a great thing. Again, I am thankful.
Again, Happy Friday !
1Thessalonians 5:16-18 16 Rejoice always; 17 pray without ceasing; 18 in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
I am so excited today! We received a great new bag today and we made it in Woman's InSite magazine!
Kathryn and Cindy of Woman's InSite included Swap Couture in their Top 10 for the month of August. It is a great day.
We received a wonderful Michael Kors bag. See the stars who wore it, Jessica Simpson and Halle Berry. It can be yours with the basic membership of $99.99!
Phillippians 4:13 I can do all things in Christ who
strengthens me.